Monday, October 4, 2010


So finally I turned  the 932nd page over and my journey with Linbaba( Gregory David Roberts) rests here.
In fact I am not a voracious reader ,so It was indeed difficult task for me to complete this mammoth book.
But as I have started reading it ,first time I didnt give up the book after going through first few page like it happens with every other book.

There are so many reviews out there ,so I am not elaborating more on that front.
(The fact is I cant find words to summarise my feeling as my mind is  pre-occupied with Linbaba 's thoughts )

Here are some of them ,Linbaba and Khaderbhai's philosphical quotes and I would add more in coming posts.

If you people have already read it, then contribute some of  musings of my beloved LINBABA here in comments.


"Every human heartbeat,he'd said many times ,is a universe of possibilities.And it seemed to me that I finally understood exactly what he'd meant. He'd been trying to tell me that every human will has power to transform its fate .I'd always thought that fate was something unchangeable : fixed for everyone of us at birth  and as constant as the circuit of the stars .But I suddenly realised that life is stranger and more beautiful than that .The truth is that no matter what kind of game you find yourself in ,no matter how good or bad the luck ,you can change your life completely with a single thought or a single act of love "

"I know now that when the loving ,honest moment comes it should be seized and spoken ,because it may never come again .And unvoiced,unmoving ,unlived in the things we declare from heart to heart ,those true and real feelings wither and crumble in the remembering hand that tries too late to reach for them. " 

"Sometimes we love with nothing more than hope .Sometimes we cry with everything except tears .In the end that's all there is : love and its duty,sorrow and it's truth .In the end that's all we have ----to hold on tight until the down "

I will also continue posting ramblings of other fellows from SHANTARAM.
Watch this space for more of it ....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Books on the cards !

After a long break , I have decided again to be active here .

so starting with a book list .
Here are the books which I want to finish within a month.

Deadline is 30 Th AUGUST.
Here is the list

1) Undercover Economist by Tim Harford
2) Tipping point
3) Blink
4) Losing My verginity by Richard Branson
5) Seven day weekend by Ricardo Semler

Monday, June 25, 2007

Misfit Medico

Misfit, Disillusioned, Unhappy with medical career? Now don't feel alone .
This community is for the people who think that Medicine is not their cup of tea.
Many of us have felt that we have landed up in the wrong place.
Whatever may be the reason.
It may be because you were not mature enough to take the tough call, or simply wanted to fulfill that dream of your parents to have one doctor in family. Don't feel alone.

Here is the community where you can out pour your feelings and also discuss the future options.

Edit: Now Orkut is long gone. But I think facebook must have many such communities.